Kaufen Sie Ihr Sparkbase Token (SPARK) Paket
Setzen Sie Ihre Staking Wallets & Masternodes auf
Staking Packages
Get rewarded with your holdings
Staking is the process by which users of a blockchain deploy crypto assets (hence the term "staking") to perform tasks for the blockchain. It is an active way to secure the blockchain through the proof-of-stake consensus protocol. Your assets in the wallet help for a healthy network and for that you are rewarded without the assets ever leaving their place. What's better than watching your assets grow automatically?
750.00 USD
Prelaunch Bonus
Jetzt 500.00 USD
Staking Paket
Erhalten Sie Staking Rewards in Ihrer aktiven Wallet.
Lassen Sie Ihre Menge an SPARK Tokens wachsen.
Erhalten Sie 40% vom integrierten Belohnungssystem.
Profitieren Sie von exklusiven Community Vorteilen.
3'000.00 USD
Prelaunch Bonus
Jetzt 2'000.00 USD
2'000 SPARKS
Staking Paket Plus
Erhalten Sie Staking Rewards in Ihrer aktiven Wallet.
Lassen Sie Ihre Menge an SPARK Tokens wachsen.
Erhalten Sie 40% vom integrierten Belohnungssystem.
Profitieren Sie von exklusiven Community Vorteilen.
USD 7'500.00
Prelaunch Bonus
Jetzt 5'000.00 USD
5'000 SPARKS
Masternode Paket
Setzen Sie Ihre Masternode in Betrieb.
Profitieren Sie von einer langfristigen Investitionsrendite.
Erhalten Sie 60% vom integrierten Prämiensystem.
Nutzen Sie das Sparkbase App Premium ohne Aufpreis.
Masternode Packages
Generate your passive income
You have been looking for masternodes for constant passive income? You have understood that nowadays everyone has the possibility to profit from it? By distributing the block earnings, you can create a passive income for yourself as the owner of one or more Masternodes with the so-called Masternode Rewards. The initial investments fall into the long-term category and therefore develop over a longer period of time, which is why Masternodes rewards is called passive income.
USD 7,500.00
Prelaunch Bonus
Now USD 5,000.00
5,000 SPARKS
Masternode Package
Start a Masternode working for you.
Benefit from an exclusive long-term return on investment.
Get 60% from built-in reward distribution system.
Get your Premium membership for the Sparkbase platform.
USD 7,800.00
Prelaunch Bonus
Now USD 5,300.00
5,000 SPARKS
Managed Masternode Package
Start a Masternode working for you.
Benefit from an exclusive long-term return on investment.
Get 60% from built-in reward distribution system.
Get your Premium membership for the Sparkbase platform.
USD 15'600.00
Prelaunch Bonus
Now USD 10,300.00
10,000 SPARKS
Double Pack Managed Masternode Package
Double the power and start 2 Masternode working for you.
Benefit from an exclusive long-term return on investment.
Get 60% from built-in reward distribution system.
Get your Premium membership for the Sparkbase platform.
Managed Masternode Service
Your private server for 24/7 operation
To be able to operate a masternode without interruptions, around the clock, a virtual private server in the cloud with a professional VPS hosting provider is suitable. Do you need our support for this? We're happy to help with our managed masternode service package. What's included:
Setup services:
✔️ Installation of a VPS instance
✔️ Set up of VPS server (OS and server components)
✔️ Set up security tools for secure operation
✔️ Regular security patches of all components
✔️ Wallet connection and service initiation
✔️ Checking validations
Monthly services:
✔️ Hosting in professional Datacenter
✔️ Continuous monitoring server operation
✔️ Security patch upgrading
✔️ Application maintenance (OS)
✔️ Release updates (Wallet)
💡 Book the managed service directly when ordering the token package. This way everything runs smoothly from the beginning and you don't have to worry about anything else.
* Haftungsausschluss: Nutzer aus den folgenden Ländern oder Regionen können SPARKS aus regulatorischen Gründen nicht kaufen: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Weißrussland, Volksrepublik China, Demokratische Republik Kongo, Kuba, Irak, Iran, Nordkorea, Singapur, Sudan, Syrien und seine Territorien (Amerikanisch-Samoa, Guam, die Nördlichen Marianen, Puerto Rico und die U.S. Virgin Islands), Simbabwe.
* Bedenken Sie bitte, dass die SPARKBASE-Blockchain für 2022 auf den neuesten Stand der Technik gebracht wurde und der SPARKBASE-Utility-Token innerhalb eines Zeitraums von bis zu drei Jahren an Handelsbörsen handelbar sein wird. Betrachten Sie daher den Kauf eines SPARKBASE-Token-Pakets als eine mittel- bis langfristige Investition ohne Garantien in ein gutgläubiges, skalierbares Projekt.